Consultation and Participative Mechanism

Wide ranging consultations have been held to ensure that local people are properly informed about the project, and their concerns and preferences taken into account. This has helped reduce the people's insecurities and doubts about the project. The project has therefore ensured that the affected population and other stake-holders are informed, consulted, and allowed to participate actively in the development process.

This process of consultation initiated during the preparation stage will be carried out even during the implementation, and monitoring of project results and impacts.

The consultation process established during preparation stage of the project uses different types of consultation such as in-depth interviews with key informants, focus group discussions including those who are not directly affected and individual consultations during social impact assessment. As part of the consultation process, women were given the opportunity to voice their views. Consultations with the Stakeholders, PAFs etc are being carried out from time to time. (CONSULATIVE MATRIX)

Public Information Centre (PIC)

To maintain Transparency and keep PAF`s informed, a Public Information Centre (PIC) has been set up and is functional at VPHEP Complex, Siyasain. The PIC provides information about Policies and other deliverables and is helpful for the local public in recording their views about the project. A schematic 3-D model depicting all the proposed components of the project has been placed in the PIC for Public Display. The PIC will continue to function throughout the project construction and operation phase for continued public interaction.

Non Government Organisation (NGO)

For the implementation of the RAP, a local Non Government Organization (NGO) M/s Shri Bhuvaneshwari Mahila Ashram (SBMA) has been engaged. The NGO is in the process of implementing the RAP in coordination with the project Social Group. THDCIL in association with NGO undertakes consultation with the affected community; verification of affected families and has also prepared the micro plans. The other activities to be carried out by the NGO includes preparation and distribution of identity cards for every individual PAF, open their joint bank accounts, counsel for the productive use of compensation & monitor the use of compensation assistance etc.

The role of NGO in resettlement and rehabilitation relates to human aspects and economic rehabilitation requiring human resources development consisting of education, training, awareness creation, co-ordinating between implementing agencies etc.

Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) are critical activities in involuntary resettlement. R&R Policy envisages periodic checking of R&R Implementation at Project & Corporate level to ascertain whether activities are going according to the plan. It provides the feedback necessary for project management to keep the programmes on schedule. Besides, Monitoring provides a channel for the villagers to make known their needs and their reactions to R&R Implementation.

Monitoring of R&R activities is being undertaken by Social & Environment Department of VPHEP, responsible for Implementation of Rehabilitation Action Plan (RAP). The Project Monitors the RAP Implementation on monthly basis. Project appraises the Progress to Corporate S&E who monitor the Pace of R&R Activities and provide necessary suggestions, if any.

An external independent agency M/s DHV India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi has been appointed during 2011 as Third Party to Provide "Consultancy Services for Monitoring and Evaluation of RAP Implementation for VPHEP". The agency is specialized in Monitoring & Evaluation and involves special monitoring procedures and methods to the process accruing in R&R. The Consultants Monitor the R&R Works and furnish Project & Corporate Offices their Recommendations and Suggestions at regular intervals. M/s DHV from time to time furnishes the Mid Term Evaluation reports that help Project to execute R&R Activities in efficient & effective manner. 

Apart from above, a Monitoring Committee under the Chairmanship of Representative of District Magistrate, Chamoli and 11 other Members has been constituted during Nov.,2009 to oversee the Process of Implementation of RAP by VPHEP.