THDCIL's mission is to deal the R&R issues with a human face. Rehabilitation & Resettlement is a crucial process in the implementation of projects.

Govt. ofIndiahave a National Policy on R&R 2007(NPRR2007) and THDCIL’s endeavor is to bring improvement over the NPRR2007 while finalizing the R&R Policy for its projects. Considering the importance of the R&R issues, due care is taken right from the Project preparation stage.

The acquisition of land and consequent displacement would effect the social, economic, cultural and environmental status of the affected population, including their productive assets, sources of income, habitat, community structure, social relations, cultural identity, traditional authority and their economic interdependence. To understand the needs and expectations of the Project affected families, repeated consultations are made with the affected communities in a transparent manner.

R&R Policy and Rehabilitation Action Plan (RAP) are prepared after thorough analysis of the needs and expectations of the local population and their cultural & social aspirations. The overall objective of the RAP is to ensure improvement in the standard of living of the project affected familiesafter resettlement.

Click here to Download The Status Of Rehabilitaion (Tehri HPP & KHEP)

Click here to Download Rehabilitaion Policy of Tehri HPP(1998)