The company, in collaboration with the Department of Public Enterprises (“DPE”) and other relevant departments, organizes an introductory program to familiarize the Directors with the company, Corporate Governance, their roles and responsibilities, and the applicable regulatory framework.

Additionally, the company nominates Directors to programs organized by various prestigious training institutes, such as IICA and SCOPE, to acquaint them with their roles and responsibilities as prescribed by law.

Name of the Director Designation Name of Programme organized by THDCIL/Any other Institute Date and Topic of the Programme Number of Hours Spent by Director In Such Programme
F.Y. 2023-24
Shri Shallinder Singh Director (Personnel) Department of Public Enterprises 22.03.2024-23.03.2024: Orientation Program for Functional Directors of CPSE's 2 days
F.Y. 2022-23
Smt. Sajal Jha, Dr. Jayaprakash Naik B. and Shri Kesridevsingh D. Jhala Independent Director India Institute of Corporate Affairs 11.02.2022-12.02.2022: Familiarization Programme for Independent Director.Corporate Governance: Concept & Emerging Trends, Focusing Companies Act, 2013, Focusing SEBI LODR, Roles & Responsibilities of Independent Directors: Gatekeepers of Good Governance, Regulatory Framework & Case Discussion on UPSI (Unpublished Price Sensitive Information), Governance through Board Committees, Effectiveness of Audit Committee, Aligning Corporate Sustainability & ESG, Appreciating Financial Insights for better board decisions, Laying foundations of Responsible Business. 8
Ministry of Power 13.07.2022: Capacity Building Session Sector Specific. Interaction with Honorable Prime Minister of India. 4
Department of Public Enterprises 16.07.2022-17.07.2022: Capacity Building of Non-Independent Director 11
Department of Public Enterprises 28.07.2022 -29.07.2022: Familiarization Programme for Independent Director – Capacity Building Board Governance & Dynamics, Board Effectiveness & Role of Independent Directors, Effective Decision making through Board Committees, Understanding Finance for Effective Internal Controls, Integrated Thinking and ESG, Related Party Transaction, its concept, Corporate Governance. Framework: National & Global Perspectives. 8